International Workshop on Training and Education (Algiers, 12‐15 December 2010 ‐ Hotel Safir Mazafran, Zéralda)
Appropriate training in heritage skills ‐ restoration, museology, tourism, etc. ‐ as well as the education of local people, especially youth, is essential so that the heritage can become a vehicle for human and economic development in countries of the southern Mediterranean.
Approximately 40 representatives from the Ministries of Culture and from the departments of the Heritage of the Mediterranean partner countries and organizations of civil society, which are active in the revitalization of the heritage, will address these issues during a workshop in Algiers. The workshop is part of the specific action program of the European Union Euromed Heritage aiming, since 2008, to strengthen the legislative and institutional framework for the heritage of the Mediterranean partner countries, and carried out with the national authorities of these countries.
More info: euromedheritage
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