Some traditional recipes from Morocco


« …many herbal medications are still used in Morocco. For example, to relieve asthma, the attar (spice and perfume specialists) recommend datura, eucalyptus, lavender, mullein, horehound, mallow, mint, rosemary, sarsaparilla, sage and wild thyme, all of which have sedative properties. For osteoarthritis, they use wild celery, smearwort, burdock, heather, ash, Mount Atlas daisy, castor oil, sarsaparilla, common soapwort, and wild thyme. To lower cholesterol, artichoke, dandelion, rosemary and marigold. For high blood pressure, garlic, with hawthorn, mistletoe and olive”.

From the book Marruecos, gentes, tradiciones y creencias, by Yolanda Guardione. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1996.

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