Arabic calligraphy on vegetal texture

Nature is omnipresent in the work of the calligrapher Abdessatar Jmei, friend and collaborator of FUNCI. “I express myself through it and for it,” says the Tunisian-born artist. “Nature is a gift that helps me reconnect with my roots and to renew the ties that bind me to my childhood, with its memories sometimes stored in a drawer.”

The Alsatian: This work was carried out with leaves of hibiscus and lilies, and tells a piece of history from the Alsace region in France, shaken during the two World Wars. The author sees in this work “the local cultural heritage as seen by a citizen (I) caming from afar.”

The african: This piece is made with leaves of lilies. The word African is vertically calligraphy, but it can be read in both directions, from top to bottom and vice versa.

Audry: A request to the eighteenth birthday of a young Alsatian. Calligraphy, in Arabic language, is made on leaves. It represents a stork, an emblematic bird of the Alsace region.

God is Universal. The word God, in various languages ​​with plant and floral texture, is here extended over a landscape at once vegetal and desert. The word evokes the values ​​of tolerance that grow on the land, the source of human life.

Sonia (cover photo): This name is written in Arabic calligraphy here, in style “sonbouli” (spike), and is inspired by a spring landscape in the city of Hyères in southern France.

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