Since September 2010, it is possible to enter in the new web site created by the High Council for Scientific Research (CSIC, spanish acronym): Los Cuadernos de Doñana (Doñana’s Notebooks), that dates from 1967, the year in which the Biological station of Doñana, management authority of the National Park, starts its work.
The diaries or Field Notebooks are a sequence collection and more or less systematic of observations and comments made by qualified technicians during their trips in Doñana. The notebooks contain notes about a big quantity of animal species, specially vertebrates (most of all birds), but also about vegetation, water state of the marsh and lagoons, etc.
Between the most remarkable data collected, can be found bird census of the Guadalquivir’s marsh and Huelva’s coast. Also it can be found data about land census, in which identify and quantify the number if birds in a specific time and place.
For the moment, it can be consulted only the notebooks of Edmund Mackrill, Viggo Ree, Luís García Garrido, Héctor Garrido Guil y Fernando Ibáñez. I the future the repertoire will increase.
This new site, open to the whole population, bring us the natural heritage of one of the most representative areas of the Peninsula Iberica and Mediterranean basin, and it suppose a great advance in the scientific community, making easier to reference documents in a virtual and structured way.
Cuadernos de Doñana: www.cuadernosdedoñ
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