Centres of plant diversity research: Goals

  • To draw up a brief diagnosis of the situation of plant diversity in the Islamic culture countries of the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East, and of the state of in-situ and ex-situ conservation in these regions.
  • To compile information on facilities devoted to the conservation of wild and cultivated plant diversity in these countries.
  • To draw up a catalogue of Plant Diversity Facilities for each country.

This research focus only in the Islamic culture countries, because the other countries in the geographical scope of the program are studied enough by other institutions. For more information, consult the next webs:



http://www.bgci.org/ourwork/europe Europe installations


As a proof of this situation, the next image from BGCI, proves the difference in the knowledge and existence of installations in the North face of the Mediterranean and in the countries of Islamic culture in North Africa and Middle East.

Research methodology for CPD

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