It has been a joy to discover the article that ‘Historic Gardens Review’ devotes to us in its latest issue. We are grateful of the precise look that it takes at our work, which links our longstanding career as a foundation with our most recent work with Med-O-Med. In this way, the article gives an excellent account of Med-O-Med’s principles, projects and partnerships, as well as a wonderful summary of the over five years of work for the protection of cultural and natural heritage in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
‘Historic Gardens Review’ is the biannual magazine of the Historic Gardens Foundation, a British charitable institution that has become a benchmark for everyone interested not only in historic gardens, but also parks, private and botanic gardens.
We encourage you to visit the website of the Historic Gardens Foundation and subscribe to the magazine, which enthusiastically recommends a visit to a garden or calls for the protection of a historic park.
You can read the full article about Med-O-Med on the following link. We hope you enjoy reading it: ‘Conservation not Confrontation’, by Richard Mawrey, HGR number 29
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