IMGEMA, Royal Botanic Garden of Córdoba, Spain
Country: Spain
- NAME IMGEMA Royal Botanic Garden of Córdoba
- ADDRESS Avda. de Linneo s/n. 14004. Córdoba, España.
- PHONE 957 200018- 957 200077
- OPENING HOURS Depends on the season, in general from 10hrs to 18hrs and from 10hrs to 21 hrs. Closed on Sunday afternoon and Mondays
- DIRECTOR Enriqueta Martín-Consuegra Fernández
• Arboretum.
• Seed Bank Published.
• Plant Catalogue.
• Computer Plant Record System.
• Disabled acces
• Shop.
• Cafetería.
• Laboratories. - AREA (IN SQM) 60.000
- NUMBER OF SPECIES Más de 2000 diferentes
- COLLECTIONS There are 11 thematic areas that count with different collections gathered according to appropriate criterias as Taxonomy, Physiology…
- CONSERVATION PROGRAMMES There are Memorandums of Understanding with the Junta de Andalucía (Enviromental Department) and with University of Córdoba for the study and the conservation of vegetal species.
- EDUCATION PROGRAMMES The Education Department is carrying out an ambitious programme that includes teachers and students. Family workshops are also conducted on weekends. It has developed an educational guide with itineraries and activities
The Environmental management Municipal Institute (IMGEMA), Royal Botanic Garden of Córdoba is dedicated to the study of the vegetal with a scientific and pedagogical aim. It offers several educative programmes, cultural perfomances, exhibitions, conferences, scientific articles and outreach activities. There are collaboration programmes with the University of Cordoba that keep at the Garden its Herbarium COA.
The Botanical Garden offers some unique elements, unique in the field of heritage and culture, such as the Museum of Ethnobotany, which is displays the traditional uses of plants and their usefulness to human being, the Museum of Paleobotany, unique in Europe, presents a major fossil flora exhibition, representative of all geologic eras. All this creates an environment where Art and Nature, heritage and Culture, Science and Outreach are represented.
Botanical Garden has raised different activities to continue the labor of spreading the conservation and respect for the environment and also to encourage knowledge and the use of the Botanical Garden. This institution has an extensive program of cultural activities, including also concerts and exhibitions. In summer the garden is open until 12 pm with performances related to nature and ancient traditions.